99 Mio searches so far

Reverse Email Lookup results

Email-Host Validation

8.3 /10

Domain Score

In our Validation process we check technical attributes for the Host. Additionally, we check our historical Data and calculate score.

Domain Reputation:


  • Domain is registered
  • Domain is not Parked
  • MX Record was not found
  • Name Server was found
  • MARILLION.NET returns HTTP Status Code 200
  • SSL is valid

Naming Pattern

Looking at its pattern the owner's name (or company name) is Nkbvrrp

Content Relations

No Tags for Content-Relations for marillion.net found.

You search for more detailed information for technical attributes of the email address? Just check out our free email validation tool for [email protected]

Verify Email

Social Networks (0/8)

In our public search we check 8 social networks for the given email address. In our Premium we check 30+ social networks.


Not assigned to a Facebook profile.


Not assigned to a 30 Boxes profile.


Not assigned to a Gravatar profile.


Not assigned to a Flickr profile.


Not assigned to a Foursquare profile.


Not assigned to a Vimeo profile.


Not assigned to a Rapleaf profile.


Not assigned to a Fullcontact profile.